
Clear Aligners: A Revolution

Clear aligners have revolutionized the field of orthodontics, offering a discreet and convenient way to straighten teeth. 

These custom-made, removable devices have gained popularity for their effectiveness in addressing various dental alignment issues without the discomfort and bad appearance associated with traditional braces.

What are Aligners?

Invisible aligners, also known as clear aligners, are removable and invisible alternatives to braces. This form of orthodontic treatment is designed around flexibility and convenience. You can find a Teeth aligner in Delhi to treat different cases including:

  • Overbite: You can choose a Teeth aligner in Delhi when the upper front teeth are overlapping the lower front teeth.
  • Diastema: Aligners may be a good choice in cases of gaps between the teeth.
  • Crowded teeth: Teeth aligner in Delhi can be chosen when the teeth are crowded and improperly aligned.
  • Open Bite: A rare form of malocclusion, Open Bite refers to the condition in which the front upper and lower teeth slant outwardly and don’t meet when the mouth is closed.
  • Misaligned primary teeth: A teeth aligner in Delhi is a choice of treatment for children between 6-10 years of age, to create space for existing baby teeth and developing permanent teeth. 

The count of aligners per series may differ but usually, the range is 10 seo-50. It may take anywhere from 1-3 or more aligner series for producing a good result. The range is primarily dependent upon the bite’s complexity, how much resistance to movement is presented by your jaw bone, and how consistently you wear your aligners.

Find out how you can access the right clear aligners cost in Delhi by calling us now.

what are clear aligners and why they have become a preferable choice for many people seeking orthodontic treatment.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are orthodontic devices designed to correct misaligned teeth and bite issues. Unlike traditional braces, which use brackets and wires, clear aligners are made from transparent plastic materials. These are custom-fitted to the patient’s teeth and gradually shift them into their proper positions over time.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

The procedure of fetching clear aligners inherently begins with a consultation with an experienced orthodontist or dentist. 

During this initial visit, the dental professional will assess your oral health and determine if clear aligners are suitable for your specific case.

If clear aligners are the right choice, a series of custom aligners will be developed. Each set of aligners is slightly different, with incremental adjustments built in.

Patients wear these aligners for about 22 hours a day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Approximately every two weeks, you switch to a new set of aligners, which continue the gradual tooth movement.

How do aligners work?

Aligners work by using calculated force to move your teeth to the correct position. Each aligner set is a unique and custom 3D-printed model of the teeth.

The periodontal ligament surrounding a tooth is stretched on one side of the root and compressed on the other side when pressure is applied. 

This leads to the production of two forms of bone cells:

  1. Osteoclasts: Destroys existing bone on the periodontal ligament’s compressed side.
  2. Osteoblasts: Builds new bone on the periodontal ligament’s stretched side.

Your orthodontist will harness these two biomechanical processes for strengthening your teeth gradually and gently. Each new aligner set is moved only in conservative, small increments.

Call the best dentist for Clear Aligners in Delhi by reaching out to us now and discover the most affordable clear aligners cost in Delhi.

Benefits of Invisible Aligners
Invisible aligners or clear aligners, offer several benefits:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal:

 They are nearly invisible, making them a discreet option for teeth straightening.

  1. Removable:

 You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss, which can make maintaining oral hygiene easier.

  1. Comfort: 

They are usually more comfortable than traditional braces, as they don’t have sharp wires or brackets.

  1. Convenience:

 Fewer visits to the orthodontist are needed compared to traditional braces.

  1. Predictable:

 They are designed using 3D technology, offering a more predictable treatment outcome.

  1. No Dietary Restrictions: 

However, clear aligners are removable, there are no constraints on what can be eaten.

  1. Reduced Discomfort:

 They generally cause less discomfort than traditional braces.

  1. Less Impact on Lifestyle:

 They interfere less with playing musical instruments or sports.

  1. Improved Confidence:

 They can enhance your confidence since they are less noticeable than metal braces.

  1. Shorter Treatment Time: 

In some cases, treatment with aligners can be faster than traditional braces.

Cost of Teeth Aligners

In India, the cost of teeth aligners can vary depending on several factors, including the type of aligners and the complexity of your orthodontic needs. On average, clear aligner treatments like Invisalign can range from ₹50,000 to ₹2,50,000 or more. 

Traditional braces may be somewhat more affordable, with prices typically ranging from ₹25,000 to ₹85,000. 

Keep in mind that these are approximate costs, and it’s essential to consult with a local orthodontist for a precise estimate based on your specific case.

It is recommended that you should perform comprehensive research about Invisalign aligners in Delhi, Teeth aligners cost in Delhi, clear aligners cost in Delhi, and how to choose the best teeth aligner in Delhi.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

How Do Teeth Aligners Work?

  1. Consultation:

You begin with a consultation with an orthodontist or dentist who specializes in aligner treatments. They assess your dental condition and determine if aligners are suitable for your needs.

  1. Treatment Plan: 

If aligners are a good fit, the orthodontist creates a customized treatment plan. This plan involves using 3D scans, X-rays, or impressions of your teeth to design a series of aligners tailored to your specific case.

  1. Aligner Sets:

Based on the treatment plan, a series of clear aligners is fabricated. Each set is slightly different and is worn for about 1-2 weeks, gradually moving your teeth.

  1. Wear and Replace: 

You wear the aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. As you progress through the sets, your teeth gradually shift into the desired positions.

  1. Regular Check-ups:

You have periodic check-ups with your orthodontist to monitor your progress and receive new aligner sets. 

  1. Treatment Completion:

 Once you’ve worn all the aligner sets in your treatment plan, your teeth should be in their corrected positions. However, you might still need to wear a retainer to maintain the results.

The key advantage of aligners is their discreet appearance, as they are nearly invisible. They are also removable, making eating and oral hygiene more convenient compared to traditional braces. However, their effectiveness depends on consistency in wearing them and following your orthodontist’s instructions closely.

Difference Between Traditional Braces & Clear Aligners

  • Traditional Braces:
    1. – Involves metal or ceramic brackets and wires.
    2. – Not removable, permanently fixed to teeth.
    3. – Effective for complex orthodontic issues.
    4. – Visible appearance.
    5. – Require frequent adjustments.
    • Clear Aligners:
    1. – Made of clear, removable plastic trays.
    2. – Nearly invisible when worn.
    3. – Suitable for mild to moderate issues.
    4. – Removable for eating and cleaning.
    5. – Require disciplined wear for best results.

    Care with Aligners on

    When wearing aligners:

    1. Oral Hygiene:

     Maintain excellent oral hygiene to prevent plaque buildup.

    1. Remove for Eating/Drinking: 

    Should be removed while eating or drinking anything other than water.

    1. Rinse Before Reinserting:

     Rinse aligners with lukewarm water after meals to keep them clean.

    1. Clean Aligners: 

    Clean them daily with a soft toothbrush and mild soap, avoiding toothpaste.

    1. Store Safely:

     Storage of these clear aligners should be in their case to prevent wear or loss.

    1. Follow Wear Schedule:

    Wear them as prescribed by your orthodontist for the recommended hours daily.

    1. Regular Check-ups:

     Attend scheduled appointments to monitor your progress and get new aligners.

    1. Avoid Heat:

    Keep aligners away from high heat sources to prevent warping.

    Post-Treatment Care

    Post-treatment care after orthodontic treatment 

    1. Retainers: Wear prescribed retainers to maintain your new smile.
    2. Oral Hygiene
    3. Regular Check-ups
    4. Diet: Gradually reintroduce hard or sticky foods to prevent damage.
    5. Avoid Teeth Grinding: If you grind your teeth, consider a nightguard.
    6. Emergency Care: Seek immediate care for any orthodontic emergencies.

    Why Choose Us?

    At Dr. Varun Grover’s clinic, you can always expect quality treatment experiences. Our professionals take your oral health seriously, and it is for these reasons that we always emphasize top-notch care, through state-of-the-art equipment designed with efficiency and safety in mind. Your comfort and safety are our top priorities to our teams of highly qualified dental hygienists, general dentists, and specialists 

    We ensure you get the best Teeth aligner in Delhi at the most affordable Clear aligners cost in Delhi. We do understand that some patients experience dental anxiety by making your experience as comforting as possible.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Invisible aligners can be as effective as braces for many orthodontic issues, depending on individual cases.
    In Delhi, Invisalign treatment typically costs between ₹50,000 to ₹2,50,000 or more, depending on your specific case and provider.
    The cost of teeth aligners in Delhi can vary widely, ranging from ₹50,000 to ₹2,50,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the case and the provider.
    The success rate of clear aligners is generally high, particularly for mild to moderate orthodontic cases, but individual results may vary.
    In some cases, clear aligners may work slightly faster than braces, but the speed of treatment depends on individual factors and the specific orthodontic issues being addressed.
    Sharad Chauhan

    Dr. Varun Grover is very senior orthodontist hence I chose him for my Invisalign treatment. He guided me really well throughout the treatment. I love my new smile. Thank you sir I am really grateful to you.

    Priyanshi Purwar

    I got my invisalign treatment done from Dr. Varun Grover. His way of treatment is very honest and transparent. His skills are excellent. I am very happy with the results. Thank you Dr.

    Ashish Shukla

    I feel that Dr. Varun Grover is one of the best dentist I ever heard and met in my life. He has done braces treatment for my family members as well with excellent outcomes & now I am getting the treatment with metal automatic braces.

    Harshita Singh

    My experience with Dr. Varun Grover has been great. He's very informative and nice during the treatment. The clinic is clean and staff is professional as well as helpful. I've had my braces treatment done with his suggestion and I'm absolutely satisfied with the results as it proceeds, also with the service provided. Would highly recommend!

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